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-the home of Simple, Speedy Sewing.

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Pants on Sunday

"They look just like pants you'd buy at the shops" says my husband.  This is a compliment from him, meaning they don't have any obvious flaws!  But it does raise the question of why do I bother making clothes when so many are readily available for sale.  And the answer is ... because I can.

It amuses me that when I told a ten-year-old friend that I made my last pair of Alice & Olivia jeans, she thought I was joking.  I had to show her the pattern packet and scraps of fabric before she'd believe that it was humanly possible to make them at home. Yes it can be done!  Clothes don't all come from factories in China. 

alice & olivia pattern.png

These pants were a bit fiddly, with welt pockets, buttons, loops, fly front zip, but satisfying at the same time, just to see if you can do it.